As well as the very best training we will also provide a placement with our driving school so that you can even be paid while you train for your new career.
Training in Wrexham, Chester and the North Wales Coast
Local Driving School with a First Class Reputation
100% in car training
Driving Instructor Training
Driving Instructors Required
Trainee or Qualified
There has never been a better time to become a driving instructor.
0ver 770,000 people waiting for a driving test!
With driving tests and lessons suspended during the lockdowns, and thousands of people turning 17 there has never before been such a high demand for driving instructors.
“Full Training from a DVSA Ordit Registered Trainer”
Full Training from just £1750 (Finance available)
About our Training
What's Involved?
You will need to pass the 3 qualifying tests a theory test, a driving test and an ability to teach exam.
Free training for theory test
You will be given full access to our Theory Test Pro software. This along with the guidance and encouragement of your trainer will help all the way through the qualification process.
How long does the training take?
The full course is 52 hours all of which is in car training. This can be arranged around your existing work.
How much will I earn?
With driving lessons currently at £30 per hour after deducting your expenses working full time hours you could realisticaly expect to earn in the region of 30-35k per year.
Will I need to be Self Employed?
No! we offer both self employed franchises or we also offer full time employment once fully qualified.
How do I get started?
Fill out the form below with your details and our Ordit trainer will contact you and explain the process.
There is no obligation at this point.
Find out more!
Arrange a no obligation meeting to discuss any aspects of driving instructor training.